Lys-Design: Madrugada, Turboneger (tidl: Satyricon & Red Harvest). Mu-zick: Jazz4assholes & Manipura. Stikkord: Film/Cinematography Gurus: John Alton, Vittorio Storaro, Orson Welles, Imamura, Kurosawa, Lynch, Leone.
  • 2
    Postcard for Grandma
    Neil mcNasty
  • 1
    -The Emptyness Between-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 4
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    - 3^3 -
    Neil mcNasty
  • 2
    -Industrial Silence Hmbrg-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 2
    -Høyem & Burås-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 2
    -Zürich Vacume--
    Neil mcNasty
  • 4
    Neil mcNasty
  • 3
    -Berlin Vacume-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 4
    -the Abart Connection-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 4
    -Bloodshot Adult Commitment-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    -the projection room-
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  • 1
    -the doorway-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 1
    Neil mcNasty
  • 1
    -kebab kid-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 6
    Big ideas, and loads of Space.
    Neil mcNasty
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    -The Rino-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    Neil mcNasty
  • 3
    -blow out-
    Neil mcNasty
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    Pinochio -the turning point-
    Neil mcNasty
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    Pinochio -the rebel-
    Neil mcNasty
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    Mr.F -Madrugada-
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    Neil mcNasty
  • 2
    Neil mcNasty
  • 4
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    Neil mcNasty
  • 6
    Neil mcNasty
  • 0
    Neil mcNasty
  • 17
    Neil mcNasty
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